Search the ICSA database of birth families in China who are searching for children they relinquished.
Also check these databases:
Birthparents Searching for Children Database
Click on any entry in a row to open up the details page. Any text cut off in the table view can be read in full. You can also see photos of the birth family on the details page if available.
Submitting Additional Birth Parents
To add new families, download the ICSA Birth Parents Collection Form/亲生父母报名表格. Complete it and send it to the poster manager below for the province the birth family is from. You may also email it to us at 88icsa@gmail.com. Please include province name in the subject line.
Also Check Out
DNAConnect’s list of located birth parents
Baby Come Home/Baobeihuijia – this is a Chinese site; follow the instructions in our how-to guide, How to Search on Baby Come Home (Baobeihuijia), found on our Resources page.