Birthparents Searching for Children
Details Page
Date of Birth
DOB Estimated?
No |
Lunar or Gregorian
Missing Province
Missing Date
10/00/2000 ?
Missing City
Missing Location
Jianou Dongyou Old Vegetable Market
Lunar or Gregorian
Missing Age
0-2 months
Gu Tian County Welfare Institute
Items Left With
Date of birth written in red paper, I put on 66 yuan of clothes and a baby bottle.
DNA Collected
DNA Location
Yes |
HFFR and Gedmatch (via DNA connect)
Special Needs
Circumstances of Disappearance
At that time, the family planning violation was strictly dealt with. Due to various reasons for family difficulties, I was forced to take the child away at Dongyou's original old vegetable market stall, and packed the child in a cardboard box
At that time, I was asked to be adopted by a family surnamed Fang, and after two months of adoption, the welfare institution was informed that the conditions did not meet the adoption, and was The orphanage took it away,
Physical Characteristics
Additional Information
The staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau refused to inform. Later, we kept inquiring until we learned that the child had left the country with his adoptive parents After that, no other news.
I have been looking for her daughter's whereabouts for so many years. How is her daughter going now? We want to see each other soon, sorry for the child! Your parents and your siblings are waiting for you at home. I hope you can forgive and understand the hardships of your parents. Dad has done a good job of DNA. I hope my daughter can leave more hope for her daughter when looking for a home. I look forward to us. Reunion early!
Who to Contact
Mieke Welberg / WechatID : LoveFromHolland Miekewelberg@gmail.com