Reunion Stories & Adoptee Voices
Join groups, follow adoptee reunion stories on social media, and watch, listen, and read about the experiences of adoptees around the globe.
Connecting adoptees across the globe
A mentorship program for Chinese adoptees that matches mentors with mentees.
A Facebook group hosted by an adoptee who found her birth family
@adoptiepedia on Instagram
Een laagdrempelig en veilig platform voor Chinees geadopteerden in Nederland. Vol met informatie over Chinese adoptie. (An accessible and safe platform for Chinese adoptees in the Netherlands. Full of information about Chinese adoption.)
@twoworldsofheart on Instagram
to hear about her reunion journey
@mynameislifang on Instagram
to hear about her reunion journey and how ICSA helped.
2 Journeys to 1 Family on Facebook
biological sisters, both adopted from China, who found one another through 23andMe.
a blog chronicling Qiao Fei’s journey of finding her birth family and the complexity of getting to know them.
Intercountry Adoptee Voices (ICAV)
voices of those with Lived Experience in Intercountry Adoption. See their new adoptee-led educational video resource for professionals designed to help doctors, teachers, and mental health professionals better understand the lived experience as intercountry transracial adoptees.
Watch, Listen, & Read...
July 1, 2024
Chinese Birth Family Search Stories
Podcast series from China’s Children International
Surreal similarities: Connecticut woman adopted from China discovers a sister
September 14, 2020
My Journey to Finding My Birth Family
June 18, 2020
A DNA test connected a Utah teenager to her mother—and to a story that was almost too tragic to bear. March 4, 2020
Minke vond haar biologische zus via DNA-test: ‘We doen toevallig dezelfde studie’
(Minke found her biological sister via DNA test: “We happen to do the same study”)
January 24, 2020
Sechelt teen discovers sisters through genetic testing kit
January 6, 2020
Centerville teen, adopted as an infant, discovers birth family
November 28, 2019
One is Chinese. One is American. How a journalist discovered and reunited identical twins.
August 8, 2019
March 19, 2019
DNA Helping Chinese adoptees do what was once impossible: Locate blood relatives in this country
March 15, 2019